One of the smartest things you can do is sign up for frequent flyer programs with every airline you fly with. This way, you won’t miss out on valuable miles that could save you money on future trips! Always keep your boarding pass until you’ve confirmed your miles have been credited to your account.
Calling the airline to resolve an issue can be a hassle and time-consuming. Twitter, however, is extremely efficient for these situations! This social media platform doesn’t keep you on hold and quickly grabs the airline’s attention. Feel free to tweet about flight delays, missing frequent flyer points, and other issues. The response is often faster than what you’d receive at the airport customer service desk.
Selecting the right seat can greatly improve your flight experience. If you require frequent restroom access, choose an aisle seat for convenience. Aisle seats also provide extra legroom (in exit rows) and are the first to exit the plane. Conversely, if you enjoy a view and a place to rest your head, opt for a window seat. Being strategic about your seat choice can make your flight much more enjoyable.
Connecting with other travelers and making new friends on your trips has never been easier. There are apps designed specifically for this purpose. Download Backpackr or Travel Buddies to remove the anxiety of approaching strangers. These apps will match you with travelers nearby based on personality compatibility. You can even compare itineraries and plan meetups together.